Friday, March 9, 2012

Rekindling Old Friendships.. On Facebook?

Happy Fuckin Friday! Unless you are an unfortunate retail or service worker today is good day. If you are one of these unfortunate people, as I was for many years, I must apologize to you. Your Friday and coming weekend are going to suck ass. Working a retail job could warp the most normal brain. People notoriously suck. Where am I going with this? Man, I have A.D.D,  I digress...

This entry is actually going to be about whether or not new friendship with an old high school buddy is a good venture or a possible trip to jail. A night on the town sounds harmless, right? A trip down that bumpy memory lane... Ahh nostalgia. I admit it, I love the idea of hanging with co-conspirators from my past. Here's the difference from that harmless fun you are expecting and a night of debauchery which will land you in the back of a police cruiser.

If your friend has what I like to call a split personality Facebook profile then you are hopefully safe.. You aren't going to end up in prison, murdered or drugged and questioning why your underwear are missing as well as one of your heels. A playful mix of family and humor. If your friend is a parent and their profile consists of them holding their children and having play dates in the park and birthday parties replete with homemade napkins and fondant covered goodies that cost as much as a car payment than guess what? You are in for an evening with a friend who has indeed grown up and is able to distinguish the fine line between drunken mess and responsible adult. However there is another friend I am going to tell you about who you will all recognize... The convict. If their profile consists of mounting criminal court dates, along with complaints of current boyfriend or girlfriend issues, threats of suicide then occasionally a break in their communications due to incarceration or major drug relapse you may be in for a fucked up night. 

 Picture it... You get a message saying Hey! How have you been? We need to get together! Blah fucking blah you know that message. We've all gotten them. Ive gotten so many I can decipher who's bullshitting me and who genuinely gives a flying fuck. You agree to hang out with or without children present then the day of you panic wondering if you should really go. There are reasons that you question these reunions.. Here are a few key reasons:

1. You gained some weight since High School and are very self conscious.

2. You aren't sure how to carry a conversation with someone who hasn't seen you in 16 years or so.

3. If kids are involved are they going to embarrass you to hell and misbehave. Etc...

Now here's a list of questions that if you ask yourself before leaving for this engagement that may make you think twice about starting that car.
1. Are they still on heroin?

2. You checked case search and they may  have a questionable sex offense charge.

3. You dated them.

4. They are $40,000 behind on child support and have no job, license and a warrant out for their arrest.

5. They invited you at one time or another to The Black Hole club in Dundalk. (If you don't know Google that shit.)

6.They stalked you in High School. Chances are they will do it again. Difference is this time they have a car and actual money to follow you. Repeat after me.. FUCK THAT SHIT.

7. If they readily admit gang affiliation. Who wants that drama? Not me motherfucker, I watch Gangland.
 Long story short, the latter list is noticeably longer. There are many indications that you are about to make the biggest fucked up mistake of your adult life. Don't do what you did in HS and make such a poor decision witness protection sounds like a viable option. Learn from your past and move on. There are re-connections to be joyful about but you aren't a minor anymore. Who the hell wants to blow to start their car? Not this bitch.. 

Lastly if I offended anyone with this lovely information than you're an ASSHOLE. I'm looking out for your best interest... Your welcome!

Stay Classy,

Violet B.